The Greatest Wealth is Health


It may sound like a cliché but health IS wealth. The Free Dictionary defines wealth as “ An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.” Wealth therefore is something that is accumulated. When we talk about financial wealth, we can correlate this with investments. An investment is made in order for a person to gain profit and be able to add more to his/her wealth.

When we talk about health, we should also look at it as a form of investment. If it is a choice between a healthy meal vs. an affordable one or one that is quick to prepare, we often overlook the healthy options. The usual quick fixes and affordable food like instant noodles, fried food like nuggets, hotdogs, burgers and the like are often packed with preservatives and other additives which may pose to be harmful to the body.

On the other hand, preparing healthy meals would mean finding the best organic produce and prepared with utmost care and time. The downside: these are usually more costly and time consuming. But looking at it as a form of investment, we need to adjust our mindset. Just like buying a car, we scrutinize every nook and cranny of the vehicle before we purchase it. That is just something we ride in. What about what we put inside our body? Shouldn’t we be just as conscientious?

The next time you go to the grocery, weigh your options well. Be a good investor and start working on gaining more wealth…health wise.


This article appears in the July, 2014 issue of TLA Blaze. Click here to download a copy of this newsletter.