Our Hearts Bleed for these Fallen Heroes

“The life of men in uniform has three constants: victory, defeat and death.” – quote from an officer during the eulogy last January 30, 2015.

The Special Action Force unit founded by former President Fidel V. Ramos and former Defense Secretary Renato De Villa in 1983 to battle with the NPA and MNLF guerillas, has received training to counter terrorism in our country. More than three decades after, the story remains the same. Officers suffer death while the insurgents remain to have the upper hand in the battle.

The most recent of these are the Fallen 44 SAF officers who, like the rest of their unit, bear the insignia TAGALIGTAS. These officers were not merely soldiers, they were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, and friends. These officers bravely took an oath to protect and rescue their countrymen. They leave the comfort of their homes to fight for freedom from terrorism and promote peace.

In their honor, we should be more vigilant and be steadfast in our goal to eradicate terrorism in our country. They fought for freedom from tyranny, the original definition of which was rule by persons who lack legitimacy (www.constitution.org). We belong to one country, governed by the same law.

These men accomplished their three constants: through death they defeated the failing system by awakening the consciousness of the people and through the mercy of our Father, they attained victory in their life in heaven. Eternal rest grant upon their souls, O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon them.

This article appears in the February, 2015 issue of TLA Blaze. Click here to view or download a copy of this newsletter.