God Has a Plan

Picture1A blessed New Year, Torch Bearers!

Every year, people make their New Year’s resolution with the goal to improve their character and be a better person. Some promise to exercise more, some promise to procrastinate less, while some promise to forget old grudges. Merriam – Webster defines the word promise as, “a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something or that something will definitely happen in the future”. However, the problem with making a promise is not being in control of what happens in the future. There could be a number of reasons or events that might take place in your life that could prevent you from keeping your promise.

There is Someone though, who we can rely on when it comes to promises. The promise coming from our Father, which surpasses time and has remained to be true and constant, year in and year out. Having this in mind, when we set our goals for this year, let us set aside some time to meditate on what the Lord has planned for us. In doing so, we keep in mind our short-term goals that, when put together, can make our long term goal of being a better person this year more meaningful and attainable.

This article appears in the January, 2015 issue of TLA Blaze. Click here to view or download a copy of this newsletter.