Turning Over a New Leaf

OctoberHello October!

Originally the eighth (“octo”) month of the Roman calendar, October signifies different things for people from different places. While it is the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere. In either case, it signifies a time for change.

Change is often frowned upon, simply because people find it difficult to go out of their comfort zone. However, change is inevitable. People change just as certain as the seasons change. During autumn, leaves change from a vibrant green foliage to different hues of earth tones by the end of the season. After which, the leaves  fall off the branches all together, thus the other term fall or fall of the leaf or fall of the year (Wikipedia). Just like how leaves change, people change over time. It may not take only three months for it to happen but it is part of one’s life. The kind of change that will take place is what is important.

Leaves change and fall off the branches where new and better ones sprout.  Similarly, at every year end, we also come up with a list of things we wish to change and improve in ourselves. The only question is, do we do something to ensure that change will take place?  What or who helps us decide on the things we will change? As we all have our Creator, the One who designed our innermost being, the One who knows what is best for us in every circumstance, our moral compass should be based on what He knows is good in and for us. We don’t change for the sake of fitting in. We change so we can be the best version of ourselves, in the modern language, an upgrade.

Although most upgrades have glitches, one must find ways to fix the “bugs” in our lives until we become the best version that we can become. We turn a new leaf every so often just so we can give way for a new beginning.

This article appears in the October, 2014 issue of TLA Blaze.