Welcome Back to School. Are You Ready?

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world.” Education, therefore, should be a collaborative effort of the following: the STUDENTS, their PARENTS, the INSTITUTION, the TEACHERS and the SUPPORT STAFF.

Picture1The question posted above is  directed not only to our  students but to a handful of personalities involved in providing them with the best avenues for learning. The support staff ensures that the classrooms and other facilities are ready for the opening of classes. The teachers dedicate their time in preparing their lessons and making their classrooms more visually stimulating for their students. The institution has continued to seek the best possible resources and continue to improve its facilities for the benefit of the students. They have also prepared the faculty and staff for the challenges that this school year will offer, keeping in mind that the students will be the first priority at all times.

Parents have enrolled their children, bought their books, supplies, uniforms, shoes, bags and even planned the menu for the school days. Moreover, they have prepared their children to sleep early and lessen the use of their electronic gadgets to set their minds for the start of the school year. We recommend the UNPLUGGED DAYS (no gadgets) during weekdays for all levels. This will help the students focus more on their lessons and be more productive with their time spent at home.

Lastly, the students. Students should have the intrinsic motivation to excel in school and in life, in general. Students should be guided to set their goals at the start of every school year and  constant monitoring both by their parents and their teachers would ascertain they will achieve their goals at the end of the school year.

At TLA we espouse the ideal: EVERY STUDENT, EVERY DAY A SUCCESS. With this as our guiding principle, we aim to provide all possible effort on our part to support the holistic growth of your child. At the same time, we also adhere to the concept: DISCIPLINE BEGINS WITH ME. Discipline entails being Trustworthy, Obedient, Responsible, Christ-Like and Humble…the very essence of what TLA stands for.

Once again, welcome (back) to Torch of Life Academy. We are honoured to have you as a part of our growing family.